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Site Admin
Posts: 2
Joined: 08 Sep 2022, 08:45

Welcome to Solution Talk.

I created this forum to pull together people who genuinely are trying to figure out solutions to our cultural and world problems.

At other websites where people can post their opinions and ideas about the issues at hand, there is a lot of censoring. The censoring isn't necessarily because of profane or immature words, oftentimes the comments being censored simply don't line up with the agenda the website owners are pushing. This forum will not censor different points of view. i believe it's healthy and constructive to look at all the angles of a particular problem to find the best solution. If moderators run across what looks like profane words simply to be profane or immature name calling, we'll consider banning that person. i do believe this situation should be rare or non-existent due to the fact that members are carefully selected. This doesn't mean calling someone stupid or crazy is going to be censored. If it's something that's part of a point of view, it's all good. These situations will be dealt with on a case by case basis by the community of members. There are no words used in these forums designated offensive based on how the word is spelled, it'll be based on how it's used. A different point of view will never be censored simply because it offends somebody.

i'm making this forum publicly viewable and searchable because we intend to have helpful information to help us all grow, mature and heal.

The people commenting here are hand-picked to be members. There is no open registration. The reason for this forum's existence is to build a group of people regardless of political affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, religion, profession, etc..... i'm looking for people who want to contribute to finding solutions to our cultural and world problems. i'm looking for people who are trying to solve problems for everybody, not just for a particular political affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, religion, profession, etc..... We need to approach these problems with the understanding that we have all equally inherited Earth and everybody has a right to equal rights and happiness.

This forum will take time to build a collection of useful information and the right minds, but in time i hope we can achieve solutions or at least move us in a positive direction. Currently this forum is under construction, but i hope to have it active very soon.

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